Welcome at Flanor!
Flanor is an independent literary student association from Groningen with around 200 members from almost all fields of study. We organise lectures and interviews with different authors throughout the year. These evenings are accessible to everyone. Flanor also has various reading groups and organises other fun activities. Feel free to drop by, everyone is welcome!
Are you interested in Flanor? Fill out this form!
Monthly Drinks
- Sociaal
- De Graanrepubliek (Gedempte Kattendiep 11)
Pub Lecture with GST
- Sociaal
- Lust (Oudekijk in t' Jatstraat 58)
Jungle Gym with Martinistam
- Sociaal
- Gymzaal Nieuwe Sint Jansstraat
- Sociaal
- EdanZ (Van Oldenbarneveltlaan 6)
Themed Lecture Animal Encounters 1
- Sociaal
- Usva (Munnekeholm 10)
This winter we’re again organizing a Winter Readathon! The readathon will run from the 3rd of February until the 9th of February. A readathon...
Suggestions for reading challenges: The Theme is love! This winter we’re again organizing a Winter Readathon! The readathon will run from the...
Readathon rules
- Bestuur
Hello dear people,  After the success of last year’s readathons we’re organizing a 2024 Summer Readathon! The readathon will run from the...
Readathon recommendations
- Bestuur
The ReadCie would like to recommend some books that fit the Flanor Summer Readathon prompts! For more information about the readathon check...
The Flanor Readathon
- Bestuur
One of our returning activities is the Flanor Readathon. We host it biannually, one in summer and one in winter. It was created during the...