
About unicorns and ice cream

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During the past few months, the board has searched for new sponsors. We succeeded and can add the restaurant Four Rose’s to our list of great people that want to sponsor our association. Last board meeting, we talked about other possible sponsors and we brainstormed a bit about it. Since this brainstorm, I’ve been thinking about sponsor contracts and it shows: last night, I had a dream about all of this.


In my dream, Flanor’s Instagram page was discovered by a Very Rich Person With An Intensely Large Network. Suddenly, Flanor’s Instagram account got thousands of followers and me and my fellow board members were called by a reporter from the evening news to talk about our lives, the products that we use, and the food that we eat ‘because it is vital for companies to know which products they can send to you’. Companies from all around the world started to send us gifts. They got bigger and bigger and at one point we got an actual unicorn with rainbow-coloured fur whose breath would make all our house plants thrive. My brain may be weird by subconsciously putting this in a dream but I gotta admit, I LOVE the idea of a unicorn with rainbow-coloured fur that breathes on my plants which makes them thrive.


Waking up, I started thinking of products or food that could be sent to us if we would have been influencers. I immediately thought about the ice cream company Hertog, they should definitely make sure to get into contact with us. We try to always do our board meetings together at someone’s place (thank you Kato’s housemates for not getting annoyed with us because of our weekly presence) and we always have dinner before our meeting starts. About halfway through our meeting, we have a break with dessert and that is literally always ice cream, most of the time from Hertog. Last week, we discovered some new flavours and we were wildly enthusiastic - I don’t believe we have ever been so happy during a board meeting as the moment we found out there are more flavours of Hertog ice cream than we initially thought. It does not matter how much we’ve eaten or how cold it is outside, whether the meeting is taking ages and is really difficult or rather short and very simple, or whether we are so broke that we have to split the groceries up so two of us can pay for them instead of one as no one has enough money to pay for the entirety of the groceries. We always eat ice cream. And it’s almost always Hertog ice cream. So if anyone knows someone who can hit us up with a sponsor deal and maybe some free ice cream by Hertog, please let us know! Our tastebuds will be eternally grateful.





P.S. The dream described in this story may or may not have actually happened.


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