
Sustainability week

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This week, the Green Office (an institution created by the University of Groningen) is organizing the Sustainability Week. They have a lot of fun activities planned, for which you can still sign up and in which you can still participate! We as the Board also thought of something. We decided to think of a challenge and stick to it for an entire week. We wanted to use as little plastic as possible this week.


We are all going to take on this challenge and see where we end. An example of what we are going to do, is buying groceries on the market on the Vismarkt instead of going to the AH or the Jumbo. Another place we’ll be going to for our groceries is Le Souk. At Le Souk you can bring your own pots to fill them up with for example pasta and you can bring your own bags. No more need for the plastic boxes and bags.


We’ll be trying to show you what we’re doing for the no plastic challenge on our Instagram Stories (however, more than half of the Board is currently down with a cold, so don’t be too hard on us). If you want to participate in the challenge as well, you can! Feel free to join us for this week (and after this week) and if you want to post about it on Instagram, make sure to tag Flanor’s account @literairdispuutflanor and we may share it on our account as well. 


That was it for this week, good luck with the sustainability week and don’t forget to come to the monthly drinks tonight! You can still sign up on the website.


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