
Flanor’s Lustrum!

As you probably know by now, Flanor had it’s 35th birthday on the 25th of February but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we weren’t able to...


Spooky Book recommendations from the Board

Merel: Dracula - Bram Stoker During my mental search for my favourite spooky novel, I noticed that I don’t really read that many books...


Our Halloween Activities Highlighted

As there might be some confusion regarding the Halloween activities that are organised within Flanor, we thought it would be a good idea...


Who is Aimée de Jongh?

Aimée de Jongh is coming to Het Forum today to talk about her books and work. We are very happy to welcome her in Groningen, but who is...


Sustainability week

This week, the Green Office (an institution created by the University of Groningen) is organizing the Sustainability Week. They have a...

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